Corrupt Pinterest Remove Your Account Immediately

Corrupt Pinterest and its platform, this platform is a joke and should be closed down. I have had an account with this platform for a couple of years, posting my reviews including my streaming media content. My content is not that different from other users who pin the same content as myself. Whenever I post a new article on a product review or about a new android hap that has been either updated or a new release, I pin it to one of my boards. I have been doing this for quite some time now, when my last article, I tried to share my information on Pinterest from my website, I get an error message stating “This website has been blocked, per spam rules”

Pinterest Corruption

Contact With Pinterest

As you may already know, I messaged the Pinterest team about this issue in full detail, this is what I messaged them in an email disputing this action, Hello, I have tried to pin a product review from my website to your platform. I keep getting an error stating the website is marked as spam. I am not sure why my website is marked as spam, I am Google verified as not spam. My website is of product reviews among many other reviews. I request my website be reviewed to see that site is not what was marked by your platform as “Spam”

Pinterest Censoring Now Corruption

Pinterest’s response was “Hi there, This website was blocked because it violates our spam community guidelines. Please review our policies for more detailed information on what Pinterest considers to be spam. We won’t be unblocking this site. Thanks, Frodo

After receiving this message, I had to email them again to say why were they saying I did not follow their community guidelines, as when I looked up their guidelines, I did not violate any guidelines. My response was:

Hello, thanks for the reply. So let me get this straight, you will not remove this error because it goes against your so-called “spam policy” I have not posted any spam, nor is my website spam, I emailed you with this issue, yet you’ve now removed my account for nothing. You hit me with going against your policy when there is tons of spam on your website from other users, ok thank you.

Pinterest Suspended Account

After contacting them and emailing back and forth, they still stand behind their decision to remove my account and block my website. They keep stating that I have violated their Community Guidelines, even though I have not violated their community guidelines. Well, this is what you call censoring to the max, if this company does not like you or what you post, they will block your website and will suspend your account. Save yourself the hassle and find another platform, if you have a website, I suggest you just keep up with it and not social media because in the end, they will all remove you from their platform. With what is going on in America Big Tech media is trying to sensor and control the American people.

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